A little introduction about us…

Safari Kid is a leading preschool program from Silicon Valley, California, with over 25 centres across the USA, Canada, India, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Having perfected our craft over 9 years in California, Safari Kid is finally bringing this accelerated learning program to children (18 months to 6 years of age) in Malaysia.


We will be holding 2 weeks of Open House with a special Super Hero Event* during each Saturday! Event will be held across 3-8 Nov, and 17-22 Nov. Do bring your child over for a day of fun and learning! Your children will get to experience everything Safari Kid has to offer, and you may also seek to clarify any questions you have with our friendly teachers!

* Super hero activity will only be held on each saturday Nov 8 and Saturday Nov 22.


Parent's Particulars

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Given Name *

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Email *

* indicates required fields
Child's Particulars

Given Name *

Date of Birth *

Select Date *

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