Apricot Academy stands as a trusted brand, established over a decade and a half ago. Our focus is not simply providing education, but on shaping futures. We are committed to granting your child the most advantageous start in life through our unique and progressive early childhood education philosophy. We aim to do more than just impart knowledge; our goal is to ignite curiosity, foster self-confidence, and instil a lifelong passion for learning.
Program Offered
A Bilingual & Multiple Intelligences Preschool
The cornerstone of a child’s future is deeply rooted in the quality of their early education and nurturing care received during their formative years. At Apricot Academy, we recognise this and understand that children’s development and learning do not occur solely within the confines of a classroom. It’s a shared journey that involves the home environment too. As a result, we ardently advocate for and encourage parental involvement, aiming to provide a comprehensive and enriching early learning experience for our young learners.
Instead of the traditional rote learning techniques, Apricot Academy wholeheartedly embraces Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences, supported by an Inquiry-based Approach and Project-based curriculum. This strategy empowers our students to observe, inquire, explore, and truly understand their world. It fuels curiosity and inspires the joy of learning, equipping them with the necessary skills to delve into their interests and excel.
We are steadfastly committed to superior quality in development and education. Thus, we have gathered a team of deeply passionate, empathetic, and exceptionally qualified teachers. Each member of our team stands ready and enthusiastic to deliver peerless care, guidance, and education, sparking the inner brilliance in every child we serve.
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School Branches
At Apricot Academy our fees for half-day programme and full-day programme vary in different centres. Please click on the following centres to find out more about the fees for each centre.