Preschool Hunting Woes


1. Research is Time Consuming

You have already spent several weeks reading up on the different preschool’s curriculumn before you reluctantly moved on to the schools’ reviews. And even when that is done…


2. Arranging for Visits Will Take Up All Your Time

Finally! All the research are done. You have identified the school that you want your child to go to. But when you are there, you realise that they are full and you have to be on waiting list… leaving you to scramble for other options.

3. Missing Out on Promotional Offers

But there is another problem — by arranging for your own private school tour, you are missing out on the many promotional offers (e.g. discounts on registration fees etc.) offered by preschools during their open house events. But keeping track of all the upcoming open house will probably leave you pulling your hair out in frustration.

So would you rather spend your free time interacting and playing with your children instead of searching the web for the right preschool?


Continue reading if your answer is a resounding YES!

Leave Your Preschool Hunting Job to Us

We help you keep a lookout for open house events at preschools that matter to you. This is largely based on your desired budget and location. And if you have any other requirements, feel free to let us know in the form below!

Receive Timely Updates From Us

We will send you updates via email the moment we spotted any open house event that suits your requirements. This is to ensure that you have ample time to plan your schedule (because we all know how busy mums are right?) 😉

No More Worrying About Waiting List

We ensure that the preschools we recommend have available slots, so you do not have to deal with the dreadful “I am sorry, but our school is full at the moment.”

Let us help you find a Preschool!

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