My son has spent 3 years with the school and both us and son find it an excellent place for study. this school is so unique and gave its students every opportunity to shine. The principal himself also made himself as part of the teaching staff, regularly sharing news and discusses the topic with st...
My son has spent 3 years with the school and both us and son find it an excellent place for study. this school is so unique and gave its students every opportunity to shine. The principal himself also made himself as part of the teaching staff, regularly sharing news and discusses the topic with students. for eg, north korean and Us presidents summit, earthquakes and the science behind it etc. while the teachers embarked on interesting lessons weekly such as show and tell to encourage students to speak up and present for eg. keeping the kids abreast with the latest news. In addition, the school made trips very interesting. for eg, recently we made a trip to the botanical gardens and the teachers got the parents involved as well to help our kids learn while making the trip taking the mrt trains to the gardens. also very uniquely,the school conduct meditation sessions daily for 15 min. meditation is useful to help children keep a calm mind. the school was in the news recently to share on this unique part of the lessons. all in all classes at my little gems are filled with vitality and variety so much so the my son always find it an absolute joy to go to school. we have no qualms at all sending our 2nd child to the same preschool.