Indian Classical Dance (Bharathanatyam) Classes / free trial

By Mathangi Naatya

10th Oct, 2022 02:00 PM ~ 30th Nov, 2023 03:00 PM


Indian Classical Dance (Bharathanatyam) Classes / free trial

10th Oct, 2022 02:00 PM ~ 30th Nov, 2023 03:00 PM


Hi everyone! I am Sukania, a qualified, professional dancer and dance instructor. I've been conducting Bharathanatyam classes at Yishun/Sembawang since January 2020. For enquires and for free trial, please contact me at 9238 3559. Students of all ages are welcome.

I graduated (had my Arangetram) at Bhaskar's Arts Academy in 2001 under the guidance of my guru - the late Mrs Santha Bhaskar (recipient of the Cultural Medallion Award). My experience teaching Bharathanatyam includes teaching at government schools,  Community Centres and 1-to-1 private sessions. 

My students and I performed recently at temples for Navarathri 2022. Please browse through the photos,

Why choose Mathangi Naatya?

* small class size

* regular updates on progress

* enjoyable and fun 60 min of yoga and dance

The fee for my group classes would be $70 for 4 lessons.

Call 92383559 for a free trial.

Hope to see you soon. Thank you! 

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Date and Time

10th Oct, 2022 02:00 PM ~ 30th Nov, 2023 03:00 PM


  • Eight Courtyards Condominium

    18 Canberra Drive. Singapore 768138 View Map

Mathangi Naatya

Website 92383559

Mathangi Naatya conducts Bharatanatyam classes for children and adults. Located at The Caterpillar Clubhouse, Eight Courtyards Condominium. Group classes and private (1-1) classes are available.

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