Opening Soon - GUG Preschool @ Katong!
By GUG Preschool
23rd Sep, 2019 10:00 AM ~ 28th Sep 01:00 PM
GUG Preschool is opening in Katong! Sign up now to enjoy a one-time only early bird savings of up to $5,000 for the first 20 enrolments.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Find out why we are awarded with:
Best Preschool & Enrichment curriculum
Best Preschool for Higher Thinking Skills
Established for more than 17 years, GUG Preschool is a multiple award-winning, premium education brand with a world-class curriculum. Our 5 Point Intelligence® approach and GUG Smart Phonics™ system nurtures higher order thinking skills and holistic development in all children. To make learning even more effective, we have over 250 exclusive GUG readers and books to offer.
Date: 23 - 28 September 2019
Weekday Visit Timing: 10am - 1pm / 3pm - 5pm
Weekend Visit Timing: 10am - 12pm
Address: 30 East Coast Road, Katong V, #03-06. Singapore 428751
Date and Time
23rd Sep, 2019 10:00 AM ~ 28th Sep 01:00 PM
GUG Preschool @ Katong
30 East Coast Road, Katong V, #03-06. Singapore 428751 View Map