Community-based student care is student care centres outside the primary school compounds.
Type of Services
School Bus
Homework Supervision
Raffles Student Care is a Child-Safe organisation.
We strive to inculcate core values and life skills to our young children to ensure they grow up well.
Raffles Student Care is a member of raiSE.
We subsidise and sponsor learning journeys for at-risk children, on social non-exclusion causes (e.g. birthdays, gifts and milestone celebrations), and in debt forgiveness.
We are a Student Care Financial Assistance (SCFA) Adminstrator registered with the Ministry of Social and Family Development. We also channel these at-risk families to secondary sources of assistance, following-up with Family Service Centres and religious welfare groups for additional funding.
Raffles Student Care is guided by our Company Vision of Building Our Next Generation, in which we inculcate core values and life skills to our young children to ensure they grow up well.
A child going through our Raffles Student Care programme would, in time, be a confident, well-adjusted young adult.