12 March 2016, Saturday at 10:30 am

46 East Coast Road, #01-03 East Gate, Singapore 428766

Perfect Pairing of Finnish and Singapore’s Expertise in Education

Designed to capture the curiosity, enthusiasm and openness we feel as five-year-olds, our Fun Learning approach remains aligned with Curriculum Framework for Kindergarten by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to prepare children not only for primary education, but for life.

Warm and Inspiring Culture for All, Where Children are Taught

The Power of Hi-Five

Regardless of who they are, they can spread goodness to others by brightening up their day with a high five!

The Power of Hugs

Be generous with hugs as they embody important values of appreciation and gratitude to whoever receives them.

The Power of Words

They can create doubt and negativity, or be the seeds of change and the start of something great, so use them wisely!

The Power of Dreams

We encourage children to dream, as dreams serve as a wellspring of strength from whence aspirations take flight and come alive!

A Fun and Creative Curriculum Like No Other

Powerful Learning Materials: Through our partnership with renowned institutions, your little ones are exposed to learning materials from NASA, CERN and NatGeo – inspiring them to creative ideas and basic skills from a young age.
Fun and Stimulating Learning Tools for the 21st Century: Students can interact with other Angry Birds Playground world-wide using Smart Board, tablets and mobile phones, with teacher supervision and limited to half hour per week.

Join Our Open House for More Secrets to Raising Happy and Inspired Tots!

Save More Than $300 When you Enrol Your Child on the Spot!

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