CONTACT: 6710 7600
Event: Chinese Learning Workshop for Primary School Parents
Location: Hill V2, 4 Hillview Rise #02-19, Singapore 667979
Date and Time: 29th August, 10am – 12pm
Registration: FREE

Can’t Get Your Child To Improve On Chinese Despite All The Tuition Lessons?
Stop Wasting Time & Money On Tuitions That Don’t Work!
Almost ALL of them are still teaching Chinese through rote learning! You have been through this before, and you know how BORING it can be to memorise so much Chinese characters.
Click On The Button Below To Discover a Better Way to Learn Chinese
We Are Revealing The Formula To
Improving Chinese Easily Literally as Simple as A + B + C!
we will be sharing strategies on how to apply our formula on Chinese PSLE questions for easy scoring. There will also be learning structures to guide your child in two main scoring area: “Content and Expression”.
Our curriculum uses technology and a skills-based approach that provides children with learning formulas which they can understand and apply easily. Finally, your child can say goodbye to endless memorising!

Sabrina has been in LBCs Program for 6 months now and we know that LBC deserves full credit for Sabrina’s learning progress. There was a huge difference in Sabrina’s ability to recognize Chinese characters/words, as well as her pronunciation of the Chinese tones. How do we know this? She takes every opportunity to speak with Chinese “Aunties” and “Uncles” that we come in contact with, at shopping malls or having meals at hawker centres, and they seem to understand what she is saying – even if we don’t!

“Lynette is making good progress with increasingly interests in the languages. Looks forward to class each week and the materials used excite her. She has also started her own initiative to read Chinese books. This is remarkable. Little Box has created the platform for her. Thank you.”
– Mdm Wan Soon (Mother of Lynette, Our P2 Student)
– Mdm Wan Soon (Mother of Lynette, Our P2 Student)
Want To Have The Same Result For Your Child?
You Are Only One Step Away From Learning Our Formula, Sign up for our WORKSHOP now!
Thank you for your interest in this event! Registrations are now closed.
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