The Learning Lab Experience Jan 2016 - Skoolopedia

Many parents have waited with bated breath for this opportunity to take a never-seen-before glimpse into our world. We now invite you to go behind the scenes and uncover the secrets of The Learning Lab’s success in fostering the love of learning in students.

Lesson preparation is an intensive process, where I think carefully about the academic and real-world takeaways I want the kids to go home with. How do I get them to internalize this skill? Do I share this joke or anecdote there? How will Marcus take to this approach? And Mabel?

Certainly, at the moment of execution, there is plenty of improvisation as each student and class responds differently. And you know you had a good day at work when you go home feeling tired, but thoroughly satisfied that Marcus is ready for that test, and more importantly, that he enjoyed the process.

Mr Justin Leow
English teacher

How We Prepare Your Child during Their Critical Primary School Years

1 Hour Talk

With over 400 qualified teachers and curriculum experts, The Learning Lab is Singapore’s premier education provider. Take this chance to meet the teams responsible for developing and taking our educational programmes to their current prominence.

Talk to them, and ask them questions, because that is exactly what our students are encouraged to do in class. Their enthusiasm and passion for the subject will prove so infectious that you will know for sure your child is in the good hands of not just teachers, but inspiring nurturers.

Immerse Yourself in
The Learning Lab Experience

1 Hour Lesson

Meticulous care is taken to ensure an optimal learning atmosphere for your child. Classrooms are intentionally modelled after corporate boardroom setting to encourage open dialogue, debate and discussion, as well as prepare them for the real world.

Choose from one of our subjects (English, Chinese, Mathematics or Science) and let your child enjoy The Learning Lab experience for a full hour.

Mark your calendars now and
JOIN US AT the Learning Lab Experience Day 2016!

My journey at The Learning Lab through these 9 years has been particularly phenomenal – it has inspired and guided me in preparing solidly for the future. To find success in what you’re striving towards, first find joy in it. To me, The Learning Lab’s approach to education can be surmised as an irresistible combination of enriching material and passionate teachers. They were inspiring and knowledgeable, delivering a quality of education that I simply could not find elsewhere.

Till this date, I still remember my visceral disappointment when I realized I would miss a Math lesson due to a family holiday, as my teacher had promised to apply geometry and spatial concepts to show us the unimaginable – how to create a hole on a piece of A4 paper large enough for us to walk through. It is hence this compelling combination that first showed me that learning could be fun, and filled me with palpable excitement whenever I learnt something new that stretched me beyond my peers. Whether it was the intensive exam preparations or the thorough content lectures, it has supported my academic growth and allowed me to achieve my personal bests.

Clarence Cheong


1 & 2
17 January 2016 Sunday
10am – 11am
Curriculum Talk – English / Math
Class – English / Math
1 & 2
17 January 2016 Sunday
11am – 12pm
Curriculum Talk – English / Chinese / Math
Class – English / Chinese / Math
1 & 2
17 January 2016 Sunday
12pm – 1pm
Curriculum Talk – English / Chinese / Math / Science
Class – English / Chinese / Math / Science (P2 students only)
3 & 4
17 January 2016 Sunday
2pm – 3pm
Curriculum Talk – English / Chinese / Math / Science
Class – English / Chinese / Math / Science
5 & 6
17 January 2016 Sunday
4pm – 5pm
Curriculum Talk – English / Chinese / Math / Science
Class – English / Chinese / Math / Science


Terms & Conditions

  • Registration Fee per Experience Day Class: $40 (subject to 7% GST), fully refundable upon successful enrolment in every new core program.
  • Existing TLL students are not eligible to attend the 1-hour class experience in subject(s) for which they are already enrolled, regardless of whether the student has started the course or not.
  • Due to limited spots, the 1-hour talk is open to two adults per household only.