
Music for Young Children

How can music accelerate my child's brain development?

What the Expert Says

By Katryna Tan

Rave Harpers Artistic Director & Founder

Masters in Music (Harp), Bachelor in Architecture, Diploma in Music (Harp)

Author of Inspirational Book “Unleash the Musician in You”

Music can make you smarter and more cultured. Learning to play a musical instrument makes you use both parts of your brain and this will boost memory power. Those who play instruments have improved hand-eye coordination as well.

Music Improves Academic Skills

In addition, playing an instrument also improves academic skills. By understanding beat, rhythm and scales, children are learning how to divide, create fractions and recognise patterns which in turn improves math skills.

Learning and playing music also requires constant reading and understanding. Children need to identify a note on the page and recognise which note to play on their instruments, how long to hold it, which finger to use and how loudly to play. They also need to identify if the note should be played short and crisp, or smooth and connected to the next note.

Understanding the Music Culture

Beyond the pages of notes, music brings us to various cultures and eras by understanding the history of the composer, the period which the music was written and the stories behind each piece of music.

Fostering Creativity and Nurturing Self-Expression

Learning to play a musical instrument, especially when you reach advanced levels, fosters creativity. Since music education plays on your mental, emotional and cognitive abilities, the brain is stimulated to think out of the ordinary, which results in improved creativity.

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