Special Enrichment Programmes
Toddlers / Pre-Nursery /
Nursery / K1 & K2
Phonics is the foundation of early reading and spelling skills.
Your child will develop phonic awareness, recognise vowel and consonant blends, and learn to read words phonetically (rather than by rote).
Nursery /
K1 & K2
Introduction to Han Yu Pin Yin provides your child a head start and ease him or her into Chinese curriculum in primary school.
Your child will learn to recognise consonant, vowel and vowel tones and to put them together to form Han Yu Pin Yin words.
Toddlers / Pre-Nursery /
Nursery / K1 & K2
Young children build up hand strength and fine motor skills before they learn to write, copy or colour.
Pre-writing exercises are designed to enable young children to correctly grasp the pencil, practise hand-eye coordination, and refine hand movement to mark simple line strokes that form letters, numbers and early drawings.
Toddlers / Pre-Nursery /
Nursery / K1 & K2
Words are the building blocks of language and a good vocabulary bank is crucial in literacy.
The class is a language-rich environment where new words and expressions are emphasised, and introduced to your child both directly by instruction and indirectly as they are integrated into daily experiences and class activities.
Nursery /
K1 & K2
Compositional and writing skills encourage creative imagination and expression.
Your child will build a foundation for grammar and vocabulary to communicate his or her own thoughts with fluency.