6 Simple Tips to Potty Train Your Toddler

That time has come. You might have been avoiding thinking about it, but it has to be done – our toddlers have to shed the diapers and move on to the big boy (or girl) pants.

Potty training – a phrase sure to strike fear into the hearts of many parents. You imagine the mess, and fighting and the tantrums. But it has to be done.

Luckily for you, we have six simple tips to help you on this trying journey to diaper independence.

You can do this!


Make sure your child is Ready

Firstly – and most importantly, make sure that your toddler is ready for potty training. While society strongly emphasizes on the need for toddlers to shed their diapers by a certain age, every child is different and some are ready earlier than others. You want to succeed in this – and to do so, you need to have the ready co-operation of the child. Trust us, this makes thing much easier (and less stressful) for everyone involved.

Image Credit: http://www.pottytrainingconcepts.com

Start a Potty Schedule

Kids thrive on routine and a fixed schedule. Introducing potty-time into their night-time ritual helps make it a good concept they can be comfortable with. Try this – ask them to “go” before you tuck them into bed. Set an alarm for the middle of the night, and wake up to ask them if they want to go again. This helps create a good routine and prevent too many bed-wetting incidents.

No drinks before bedtime

Giving your toddler a bottle full of milk before bedtime if you intend to train is probably not such a great idea. This increases the chances of them bed-wetting if they aren’t already used to getting up and going to the toilet in the middle of the night. A good guide would be to stop all liquids at least an hour before bedtime.

Image Credit: http://www.pottytrainingconcepts.com

Stock up on the training pants

If you haven’t already switched your toddler from tape diapers into training or pull up pants, now is a good time to start – so they learn how to pull their pants up and down just like they would for underwear – and the pants are there to prevent big messes just in case they don’t make it to the loo in time!

Get a plastic bed cover

Besides training pants, another way to keep the messes minimal would be to purchase a plastic mattress cover or disposable plastic/cotton liners for your child’s bed so you only have to wash the soiled sheets and not deep clean the entire mattress.

Use kind words and encouragement

Skoolopedia-potty-training-words-of-encouragementRemember that a kind word and constant encouragement are stronger than any disciplinary measure you may consider undertaking. You don’t want your toddler to associate negatively with potty training – the easiest way to train them is to make it a fun, enjoyable experience. Award little successes with a high-five, reward stickers, or even their favourite snack each time they get it right – the happier they are during potty training, the more likely the habit will stick!

Half the battle of potty training is won when parents have a positive and upbeat attitude when it comes to enforcing good bedtime routines and encouraging behavior – your child will pick up your emotional cues and respond accordingly.


So if you think you’re ready, go forth and buy those training pants and waterproof liners – you’re about to conquer yet another amazing milestone in your child’s life towards independence!

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