Infant and Toddler Curriculum to be expected for Your Little One

At Camelot International Infant Care, the curriculum is geared towards an international audience, with a special focus on multilingualism and diversity. It is deeply rooted in research and includes outcome-based, objective-based, play-based, and inquiry-based learning approaches. Learning is much more efficient when it is fun and here at Camelot International Infant Care, we make sure each and every infant is having fun through experiences from various people and learning from their surroundings instead of learning from the same old flashcard to train the brain to memorise pictures and words.

The infant and toddler curriculum followed at Camelot is International Preschool Curriculum (IPC). This curriculum is culturally and developmentally appropriate to the individual learning needs of the infants and toddlers. The IPC covers seven core content leaning areas, namely- Numeracy, Language Arts, Social and Emotional Skills, Social Science, Creative and Visual Arts, Technology and Science, and Physical Development and Motor Skills.

Our objective is to provide quality infant and toddler care in a conducive and healthy environment and to foster social and emotional development through responsive communication and care. We ensure that the infant meets with all the criteria that would enable physical growth and developmental needs.

Besides providing the basic needs, this new born baby care centre also provides specially designed programmes to provide individual, responsive care and affection for every child to help them to explore their own bodily capabilities.

Fine Motor Skills

Children are taught and made familiar with hand-eye coordination of smaller muscles. They are taught to move their eyes, hands and fingers in a synchronised manner.

Gross Motor Skills

Here, children are taught and made familiar with larger muscles. They learn to better utilise larger muscles which in turn facilitates them to perform a wide range of physical body activities such as crawling, jumping, skipping, hopping, and running.


Let us first understand what cognition is. Cognition is the ability to think, learn, understand and remember. A new born is continuously making sense of the world through each interaction with a person. Therefore, it becomes essential that the infant is interacting with the right people. We, here at Camelot International Infant Care, do our level best to ensure that the infant is having meaningful interactions and that they are recalling, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating the right information from the interaction.

Language Acquisition

Children learn to observe, understand and communicate with educators and peers in a variety of contexts. They learn to use words in the right place and position to produce speech that is more or less understandable.

Social and Emotional Connection

Social and Emotional connection is the most crucial factor in a child’s growth. Here, they learn to respond both emotionally and socially through the interactions they have. Infants learn about various moods, emotions and gestures as his/her personality develops.

These are the foundation skills that an infant needs to develop while growing up so that he/she can have good interactive skills and persona as an adult.

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