8 Ways to Outsmart The Picky Eater

Before kids, meal times were relatively straightforward. What shall we eat? Should we have dinner out or stay home to cook?

Then kids came into the picture and everything became ten times more complicated. In fact, the dining place is occasionally reminiscent of a battle dome, sans the gladiators and clanging shields.

There are threats (“Eat up or you can’t play with daddy’s iPad”), psychological warfare, rage-fueled tears (it can go both ways), and crushing defeat (usually goes one way). All due to the fact that your child is a picky eater who refuses to finish his meal because: “I don’t like the shape of that vegetable”, “It tastes like grass”, or this writer’s personal favourite: No (all actual responses from kids as retold by their parents).

It’s a first-world problem, some may say, but still a perplexing dilemma nonetheless: What can we do to tackle our children’s picky eating habits?

1. Variety is the Spice of Life

Mealtimes are an opportunity to introduce the kids to new, nutritious foods, but don’t give up immediately if your fickle little one rejects something the first time! They may refuse a particular food at first out of unfamiliarity with its texture or smell (or even just the way it looks) but that doesn’t mean that they’ll keep saying no.

According to experts, toddlers are more prone to being picky eaters: some have hypothesised that this is because they’re already saturated in new experiences everyday, therefore resulting in their wanting of safe, familiar foods at mealtimes. So don’t be discouraged when your little ‘un is a finicky eater– just keep trying (sometimes all they need is a little time to get used to the new addition to their plate)!

At the same time, do make sure to provide them with a good mix of new and familiar flavours, as kids are more likely to all-out reject a plate of food that is completely foreign to them. The trick is to slowly introduce new foods without being forceful about it.

2. Let them Have a Say

Forcing children to eat against their will serves no benefits in the long run. As our kids get older, they usually crave for some control in their routines. Work out a compromise by giving them some autonomy at meal times– with certain limitations. For example, you could implement a rule that your kids must have at least four bites of everything you put on their plates and the rest is up to them, though they must stay in their seats until mealtime is over. By doing so, your kids are less likely to rebel against their meals and you also achieve the objective of getting them to try everything.

3. Don’t Get Mad

It is of course incredibly frustrating when our kids refuse to eat what we place in front of them. But one thing we should refrain from doing is making meal times a constant battle by admonishing and coercing our kids to finish their food. This may result in them dreading their meals– which will only make it even more difficult for you! No matter what, don’t take it personally when your kids are picky about their food– it is generally agreed that this is a common phase that children go through.

4. You’re Not a Drive-thru

It may be tempting to just surrender and make another meal to your child’s liking if he or she simply refuses to touch whatever you’ve prepared. But remember, you are not taking orders at a drive-thru. If you relinquish control at the dining table, it is inevitable that your children will think that they can call the shots on what goes onto their plate every time.

In such scenarios, parents have to be firm – after all, making sure that your kids consume well-balanced meals is not something you should be pressured to compromise on. Let them know that this is the only option for them and if they really feel so strongly about not eating whatever’s on their plates that day, maybe next time they would like to give their parents a hand in preparation of meals. Which brings us to the next point…

5. Get them Involved in Planning Meals

Ignite your children’s interest in food by getting them to browse through recipe books for kids and watch cooking shows together. Get your kids to take charge of dinner plans once in a while and let them decide on the ‘menu’– but it would be your responsibility to give the meal a healthy twist! The key is to get them to participate–even something as simple as washing vegetables or cracking eggs into the bowl may be just what you need to get them excited for meal times.

6. Restrict Free Access to Junk Food

If your kids are feasting on junk food, it is quite unlikely that they’ll be receptive to healthier options during meal times! Cut out such options from your homes as much as possible, and offer them alternative snacks such as fruits with peanut butter dip and graham crackers.

7. Education on Nutrition

If your kids are old enough to understand, you may consider teaching them about nutrition. Aside from books, you can get more hands-on by creating a food chart listing the different types of nutrients that they need, along with the foods that provide such nourishment. Make this into a fun game by allocating each food item with different points (e.g. spinach gets ten points, an apple gets five points) and have the family compete to see who obtains the most points every week.

8. Think out-of-the-Box

Get your children interested in their food by making interesting crafts out of the food on their plates, e.g. forming animal shapes and pictures with fruits. Cookie-cutters can also be used to make cute-shaped sandwiches. Sometimes, it’s all about the aesthetics to get your kids to take the first bite (and hopefully more).

There are also various ways to incorporate fruits and veggies into your kids’ diets. For example, you can chop carrots and broccoli finely and mix them up with pasta sauce. Additionally, there are many smoothie recipes floating around online that will make nutritious snacks. Try making frozen lollies out of yogurt and blended berries– they are healthier substitutes for ice cream cones and ideal for our sunny climate.

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