5 Secrets of Highly Happy Preschoolers!

“Which preschool are you sending your child to? Why ah, what’s their curriculum like?”

Sounds familiar? On hindsight, why do parents even have to ask?

Questions like these seem to imply that when it comes to kids and their education, there may be a lot more at stake than the two most important considerations: 1) your children’s happiness and 2) instilling a love for life-long learning.

But with the internet and countless mummy groups on WhatsApp and Facebook dispensing well-intentioned advice, it’s totally understandable for new mums and dads to lose sight of these seemingly simple goals.

If you do choose to send your child to preschool, take a deep breath (stop comparing yourself with other parents) and look out for these cues to ensure that your child will go to school each day perfectly happy, and happily learning.

#1 All in the Name of Fun

happy-kids-2-dreamkidsYou know how children tend to go really wild when they see their favourite cartoon characters come alive at theme parks or even
the occasional mall roadshows? Have you ever noticed how entranced and focused they get when a suited up Barney takes the stage and starts talking? And once a song starts playing in the background and he moves to the beat, clapping and twirling, the entire mini-me crowd gets up, and just goes! They listen, they follow instructions and they learn new songs and movements from a friendly purple Dinosaur in a heartbeat, just like that.

Well, that’s the kind of fun learning you’ll want to be talking about when choosing a preschool for your child. While it is not very practical to have a life-size cartoon character teach Math or Science concepts to students all day, forward-looking schools that use digital devices (think Angry Birds Playground QR Sprint) manage to make counting to twenty equally fun and superbly engaging, sans the stuffy suit.

#2 Happy Teachers, Happy Children, Happy Parents

It takes one to know one – and teachers with a sunny disposition and positive attitude will win your children’s hearts, and yours, hands down. The next time you go for yet another preschool open house, have a chat with the teachers and principal and ask them what’s their most prized achievement to date as a school.

If all they talk about are stats and figures – you may want to reconsider your options. These are the things investors are interested in, and not what your child’s educators should be focusing on. Choose a school based on their values – values that resonate with your own, because this is where the heart of their business lies. You can pretty much gauge from their answers how the principal will run the school and how the teachers will manage your children’s classes.

#3 Always Heard, Always Appreciated

Psychologist have estimated that up to 90% of verbal communication is actually non-verbal. It consists of facial expressions, body posture, hand gestures and even the timing of the words. And this, is especially true of young children.

The Finnish education system has received substantial media attention for years now on what makes them one of the best educators in the world. One thing that strikes a chord with most Gen-X and Gen-Y parents here is their smaller than most teacher-student ratio – it’s 1:7 for preschools and 1:14 for primary schools. Safe to say, most of us didn’t have the luxury of such a small class size when we were younger. Remember back in kindergarten when you put your hands up to visit the toilet and the teacher didn’t notice until it was too late?

The Finnish totally understand that having the right class size allows the teacher to pay close attention to every child’s needs, progress and welfare. At the end of the day, having an attentive teacher gives parents the assurance that their child is well looked after.

#4 Safe and Welcoming Environment

Routine provides children with the comfort of something familiar. When their favourite teacher comes over firs thing in the morning with a hi-five and a warm hug, it makes them feel safe. When they go around doing the same to their friends, teachers and parents and see their faces light up, it teaches them that they have the power to make a difference.

Always look for a preschool that offer standardised meal and nap times during school hours. For full-day sessions, schools should provide multiple meals that include breakfast, tea and lunch.

Children at this age are highly encouraged to spend a good portion of their lives in bed, so nap time is a must. This window of rest helps them refresh their mind and body before taking part in activities for the rest of the day.

A routine like this will help your child cultivate good eating and sleeping habits in the long run. Plus, children will be more prepare to learn if they are well-fed and healthy both mentally and physically.

#5 Life Lessons from the Classroom

Every day in school, preschoolers face challenges. They are always learning something new. Some get it in about five seconds, another student may need more encouragement. What makes a good school is one that makes sure no child gets left behind. But what makes a great teacher, is one that teaches your child to be resilient and committed to their dreams in the face of failure and adversity.

happy-kids-1-dreamkidsMs Dawn Choy, Founder of Dreamkids Preschool and mother of three, shared how a group of four and five-year-olds overcame the odds and built a tall tower using plastic cups in class.

“Given the nature of the plastic cups which were unevenly shaped and slippery, the children had difficulties in stacking the cups on top of one another. They were frustrated and disappointed whenever the tower toppled and collapsed, and at one point, thought of giving up.

To guide them, their teacher started to ask questions, leading them to reflect on the possible reasons why the tower kept collapsing. They gave it a good thought and everyone came up with an answer. When they tried again, you could see how focused and determined they were in completing the task! They built a broader base instead of a narrow one compared to their previous attempts and they did it! The joy and smiles on their face were indescribable.”

Sink or swim, It’s little things like these that matter – having a great mentor, working together and pressing on. Students who continue to be happy learners understand that failure and success are two sides of the same coin, and they will carry this fortitude to primary school and beyond with smiles on their faces!

Dream Kids Preschool

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