5 Things You Should Look Out For During A Music School Trial Class

Does your little one love fiddling with the toy drum?

Is your toddler humming rhythmically to the songs you play?

Is your preschooler trying to play music by ear on his toy piano?

Well, maybe it’s time to ponder if you should send them for formal music lessons as there’re simply too many amazing benefits to reap from learning music!

But wait, you’re still quite unsure what instrument or school you should sign them up for. Besides combing the internet for online reviews or busy asking around for recommendations, why not make a trip to the music school with your child for a trial music class?

In fact, there are quite a number of music schools in Singapore that offer free trial lessons for your little ones to explore and try out the instruments they’re interested in. Since it’s free, what have you got to lose anyway?

But before that, here are 5 things you can look out for when your child is attending the trial lesson to help you choose the music school that works best for them. And make sure that the music school you’re going to have the instruments your child displays interest in!

The right school will set the course for his or her musical journey.

1. Who Are The Teachers?

They’re ultimately the ones who will determine whether your child is learning right or learning well. Find out about the academic qualifications of the teachers. It’ll be good to have teachers with music degrees, or are trained performers, as they’ll not only impart the basics, but may also share their experiences during actual performances. A strong foundation built will benefit the child’s learning in the long run.

2. Can They Nurture the Love for Music?

Is your child comfortable with the teacher? Does he or she adopt a repetitive teaching approach or a rap over the knuckles? Is there too much focus on exams or grades? Through their teaching methods, you’ll be able to see if he or she can develop your child’s love for music. Observe them and ask pointed questions, as you need to choose a school with the right priorities! If they can excite your child and ignite the passion for music, the rest will follow, including the good grades. Psst… if this teacher is a right fit, stick to him or her after you enrol.

3. Can They Give Your Child the Attention?

Every child has different learning curves and not all fit the same mould. A fixed curriculum will restrict the child’s learning and exploration potential. Check if the school has one-on-one sessions that can be customised to your child’s musical background and interests.

4. Is the Environment Conducive?

Is the studio properly soundproofed? Do the instruments have a funny smell? A conducive environment is vital to a child’s learning. Choose a school with studios which are spacious, decently soundproofed and equipped with well-maintained instruments. Some schools may even have recital halls, which give your child the chance to include performing as part of their learning.

5. Who Are The Partners?

It works the same way like how certification provides credibility. A school that collaborates with many other organisations makes it more reliable as it has achieved success at an organisational level. When a music academy partners with other schools or institutions, it shows that it has proven itself as an academy that’s able to provide an all-rounded music education.

However, do keep in mind that the point of trial classes is to provide an honest albeit very small taster for what is to come should you decide to enrol thereafter. On top of having to take some time to get comfortable with your child, the knowledge imparted during a trial lesson will be limited and also shown through rose-tinted glasses.

Approach trial classes as the name suggests, simply “trying it out”, and manage your expectations while gathering the necessary information needed. I’m sure your child will be glad to experience something fun and different for a change!

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