8 Funny Moments Only Preschool Teachers Will Experience At Work - Skoolopedia

8 Funny Moments Only Preschool Teachers Will Experience At Work

Kids can say the funniest things without even trying!

Any parent or preschool teacher can attest to that. They simply say what they’re thinking and ask questions without fear of sounding foolish. Talk to any preschool teachers and you’ll discover that they will never run out of silly stories to share, as they’re entertained by these natural comedians every day at work!

We spent some time digging those stories from real-life preschool teachers, and combed the internet for the amusing moments and the funniest things they heard from their students. It doesn’t matter if you’re just looking for a good laugh or considering a preschool teaching career, we think you’ll appreciate this list of funny moments they faced almost every single day!

Kids really say the darndest things!

1) Mum’s Other Name!

One of my preschoolers was drawing a picture.  He asked me if he can write his Mum’s name on it. We had been teaching the children about their names and their family members’ names, so I replied, “Sure. What is Mum’s name?” Without hesitation, he said, “Mum.” I tried rephrasing the question with “Yes. You call her Mum. What do other people call your Mum?” He seemed a bit confused so I got more specific, “What does your Dad call your Mum?”

“OH!” he replied, “Crazy!”

2) “No Taste Leh!”

I was teaching my preschoolers about the five senses. This day, I was introducing the sense ‘taste’. So I placed a bowl of soup in front of every student with a labelled stone spelling the word “TASTE”. I asked them to use their tongues to taste the contents of the bowl and asked what the taste was. Suddenly one boy shouted “No taste leh!” When I turned my head to look at him, he was licking the stone with the label “TASTE”!

3) A Gift To Teacher

During a Christmas classroom party, a boy came up to me with a gift bag (obviously re-used) and said, “Here teacher, my mum got this present and she didn’t want it and she called everyone in our family and they also didn’t want it, so she said to just bring it to school and give it to you!”  I love how they tell the truth! If only their parents knew how much they really tell us.

4) “My Dad Did”

I was urging a student to get down to do his worksheet. He refused, looked up at me and said, “You do know that I didn’t sign up for this. My dad did it.”

5) A New Pet’s Name

Last year, one of my kindergarten students approached me excitedly and said, “Miss Sarah! Guess what?” Not waiting for my answer, he said, “I got a new puppy! And guess what I named him?” Trying to match his enthusiasm, I said, “Wow! A new puppy! How exciting! I don’t have a clue—what did you name him?” The student said, “Mr Sarah!”

6) Dolphins

A girl in my class once asked me if I wanted to know what she was thinking about. When I said yes, she calmly said, “Dolphins,” and walked away.

7) God’s Face

I was observing my class of kids while they were drawing. I would occasionally walk around to see each child’s work. As I got to one little girl who was working diligently, I asked what she was drawing. The girl replied, “I’m drawing God.” I paused and said, “But no one knows what God looks like.” Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, she replied, “They will in a minute.”

8) Address or Dress

I asked my class one day, “Who knows their address?” One little girl said, “Oh, I do!” I said, “Okay, let’s hear it.” She looked at the class and started saying, “All right, I have my favourite pink dress, a dotty dress which I wear it sometimes, and a black dress I don’t like to wear.” Hmm… not exactly what I was looking for…


Preschool teaching entails many laughable moments and I’m sure this list goes on with new additions every day. However, we all know that this is just part of the job. Teaching one child, let alone a whole class of young learners, is no simple task.

A preschool teacher will spend more time engaging these inquisitive learners, imparting knowledge and influencing them more than anyone else (maybe even more than their parents). She, or sometimes even he, must be passionate and interested to help these young seeds grow, making a difference in their lives while watching them learn and blossom to become responsible and capable individuals in the future.

Are you one of them?

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