Your website is your ultimate sales tool.


Having a well optimized website is crucial in improving your conversion rates and growing your enrolment by 200%. Your website is your 24/7 sales tool and more importantly, it is how you will be executing your marketing strategies and guiding the prospect through the parent’s journey. We are nearing the mid-year mark. Are you satisfied with your website’s performance? If not, it is not too late. You only need to make a few simple fixes to improve your website’s rank in search and increase traffic and conversions. Here are top 5 tips to optimize your website for conversion.

#1 Mobile-Friendly or Responsive Design

Making your website mobile-friendly is no longer just an option due to the fact that over 50% of the web traffic coming from mobile devices and Google’s recent emphasis on mobile responsiveness as one of the most important factor in mobile SEO.

Let your prospective parents have the best surfing experience no matter where they go, and you will definitely be on the top of their mind when they are ready to enroll their child.

#2 Easy Navigation

Can you imagine a shop hiding their cashier in some obscure corner such that it becomes a pain for any customers who are trying to make payment? Sounds like a horror and ridiculous story doesn’t it? Well, that’s what most business owners are doing to their website.

Let your prospective parents have the ability to contact you easily with simple navigation and easily spotted call-to-actions buttons, and I guarantee an increase in conversions and leads.

#3 Credibility through Trusted Parent Reviews

A study by Dimensional Research shows that 88% of customers’ buying decisions are influenced by online customer reviews.

The power of word-of-mouth marketing has only amplified since the inception of social media, and it has become increasingly important to ensure that your prospective parents receive top service quality on all interaction channels (call, in-person, Facebook, website, etc.).

#4 Blogging Frequently

Trust and authority are two important feelings you must establish with prospective parents if you wish to gain an edge over your competitors.

Overall, companies that make a commitment to regularly publish quality content to their blogs tend to reap the biggest rewards in terms of website traffic and leads — and those results continue to pay out over time.

#5 Dedicated Landing Page

Landing pages are one of the most important elements of lead generation, yet most companies don’t use them enough — or at all.

For every new campaign or offer, create a new landing page. The more landing pages you have, the more opportunities for converting more traffic into leads.

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