Answers for Music for Young Children
Will playing the piano in a small room be damaging to child’s ears? Where should be the ideal place to put the piano?
Music for Young Children
I place the piano in my five-year-old's bedroom for him to practise before he sleeps. But will playing the piano in the small room be too loud or damaging to his ears? Where should be the ideal place to put the piano?
Will piano exams kill child’s interest?
Music for Young Children
I am thinking of signing my child up for piano lessons. But should I let him play purely for fun or should I let him take the exams? Will taking exams kill his interest?
How can music accelerate my child’s brain development?
Music for Young Children
How can music accelerate my child's brain development?
What is the best way to know which instrument suits my child?
Music for Young Children
My son seems to have interest in music. But what is the best way to know which instrument suits him?
What is the right age to learn the harp?
Music for Young Children
What is the right age to learn the harp?
Does learning music early prepare children to do well in school?
Music for Young Children
My daughter is turning three soon. Does learning music early prepare her to do well in school? How can it help her?
What music should I play to help my new-born develop music interest?
Music for Young Children
I let my new-born listen to nursery rhymes everyday. What other music should I play to help him develop music interest?
There is no musical talent in my family. Is it a waste of time for my child to take music lessons?
Music for Young Children
There is no musical talent in my family. Is it a waste of time for my child to take music lessons?
My child wants to play violin but I think the instrument is too difficult
Music for Young Children
My child wants to play violin but I think that instrument is too hard. Should she play something easier like the drums?
Which musical instrument is right for my child?
Music for Young Children
My son is seven this year. Which musical instrument will be right for him?